Saturday, August 29, 2009

Interviews, 1st day of school, and being a mom oh my!

So this week is going to be a lot of first for us. First time I am venturing out to seek a part time job being a mom( a little scary I would have to say!). Braden is starting his first day of pre-k on Tuesday and has the open house on Monday( a little sad knowing that my once 3lb baby is now entering into school!).

I am so excited for Braden to be starting school and being around other kids and potential friends! He's got a backpack thanks to his Nana and we've already been school shopping for clothes and shoes and all that is left is for Tuesday to get here! We go on Monday with him for the open house at 10:15 and we get to meet the teacher and see his classroom but on Tuesday is his first "offical" day of school where we drop him off. He is so ready for this, he has been for quite some time now and I am just so thrilled for him, he's going to grow so much this year!!

So you are all probably wondering what I am talking about with the job. As some of you know I have been a stay at home mom since Braden was born. I worked up until the day I was admitted to the hospital for the severe preeclampsia and then I took my 3 months maternity leave and worked part time in the before and after school program at my school. I worked about 10 hours if that a week until Braden was 9 months old and have stayed home since then. Braden is now 4 and Alexa is 9 months old and it's starting to get tight with money and I think it's going to be good to get a job. Not only for the money but for me as a wife, mom and person. I've been having mixed emotions about this feeling bad that I may have to put Alexa in a daycare or a sitter but I know we would relax better if I had a job and it'll be good for her since she's such a mommy's girl and needs that experience of being away from mommy and knowing it's okay. Now I would just like to clarify that Chris had not ONCE asked me to do this, it's been all on my own. I've been getting a little worried and I would like to have a little extra money. I don't want anything full time, just part time. I have a couple places that I think I will be able to take Alexa with me to work which is a plus! That's the jobs I REALLY want!!

So, please if you will pray that I find a job that God wants me to have and one that will fit with our schedule and life.

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