Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Missing my family

So my mom comes to visit about every 3 weeks or so and it's wonderful! I am so grateful that the kids get to see her because my family and my parents are the only active grandparents in the kids lives. Don't want to get into too much detail but plain and simple my in laws have decided not to be in their lives....it's actually best!
Anyhow, seeing my mom with the kids just makes me miss Yuma and the family that's there, there's just something about having supportive family in your lives that you need. I have them in my daily lives but they aren't a car ride away( they are but it's 3.5hrs away!). I wish and pray that Chris' job could be moved to Yuma but I know for now that's not possible! He is very supportive of me and understands my need to travel and see my family. Unfortantley my car isn't driving worthy of a 3.5hr drive but soon it will be!!
I guess I just needed to vent but I do miss my yuma fam. and pray to be there someday....Only time will tell!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


ahhhh...LIFE!! It's been a little hectic around here lately but then again when is life not hectic with a preschooler and toddler running around? Let's see we have an appt. on Tuesday for Alexa to get tubes in her ears....poor baby girl is in so much pain! We have made 2 E.R. visits and tried 3 different kinds of antibiotics and ear drops to get her better. The antibiotics would work and once she was done the ear infection would start up again. Thankfully the ear drops are helping and we are getting seen so she will be in no more pain. It's starting to affect her language so we know it's going to be good to have this done!

My 4 year old has been crazy lately! He's 4 and he's acting like a independent 18 year old and it's driving me batty!!! He gets into the cubbards, goes out the backdoor without asking...AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! He did this when he was 2, he's FOUR!!!! I think with me threatening him he's starting to get the picture. Braden has some issues and when times get tough(i.e. life) he gets real anxious and acts out in ways like this. It's his way of dealing with the stress or tension that he feels from us. I'm sure he will have anxiety issues as an adult, as I do!
Speaking of which, I'm thinking of having my Dr. up my anxiety pills but I'm going to see if it's still like this once things calm down.

On a good note I've been doing Weightwatchers now for a little over a month and have lost 10.5lbs and it feels great!!! I did weightwatchers back in 2003 for my brother's wedding and lost like 30lbs but I didn't do the weekly meetings. This time I'm going to the weekly meetings and going online with it and it seems to help! Having that weekly support seems to be what I really need to keep going! Plus, I'm loving how my pants fit 10.5lbs lighter:)