Friday, August 21, 2009

Braden started Gymnastic's!

For the last 6 months or so I've been toying with the idea of having Braden been in an athletic sport. It came down to either soccer or Baseball but I just couldn't decide. Braden is what I would call a perfectionist to put it lightly and so I was hesitant to put him in anything because of that. I was just too afraid that if he didn't do it right he would get mad and feel bad and I know that sports are not what they were when I was a kid growing up, they are way too competitive now! I started looking into tumbling because he's a boy and needs to get all the energy out(lol!). I researched some places in the area and found a great one and Braden LOVED it! Yesterday we went for the first time as a trial class to see how I like it as the mom and how he liked it as the kid. He loved being around the other kids and running around and doing cartwheels, somersaults and jumping on the trampoline. I really believe that we may have found his match:)

His teacher's were really nice and very positive, something Braden needs. This gymnastics's studio is all about having fun with gymnastics's in a non-competitive way- YAY!!

I can't say more positive things about the experience, well one. It was mainly my fault though I take him there and on the way there he falls asleep he wakes up and is ready to go. Then it's over and he was SUPER mad that we were done and had to go home. I think the meltdown had all to do with the fact that it was dinner time and he was sweaty, tired and hungry. So, note to self MUST PACK FOOD FOR CHILD!!

When we got home that night Braden showed Chris all his new "tricks" as he likes to call them. He showed him how to do the somersault, the splits and the bridge. It was so great to see and with all that's been going on with Braden with his sensory and OCD this is what he really needs. I mean we haven't told Braden " The Dr. thinks you are OCD and have sensory dysfunction disorder" but it's just good for him to be with other kids and be "normal" Heck, maybe it's more for us either way it's a good thing for him and we love seeing him so happy and excited about it. Right before I got online to blog he was pretending to be in gymnastics's class and I was his teacher, gotta love it!

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