Saturday, May 16, 2009

Asking for Patience

The last couple of days wait no...WEEKS I have been asking the Lord for patience and lots of it! Braden is a 3 1/2 year old boy who is testing my patience everyday and sometimes every minute! Ever have those days with your kids?
Today for instance has been one. I needed to find a dress for a friends wedding reception that is next month I decided to go to Old navy and Target( reception is casual). Not a big request right? Well Braden is asking to go play and I tell him no he needs to wait, we go in the dressing room he starts climbing on things and then we leave and head to Target same thing and I take away his toy dinosaur and he screams at that. Good news I found a dress and I love it!! Braden crys throughout the store and all the way home. We get home and I send him to his room...I needed a break darn it and he was being a little stinker!! Needless to say he is sorry, sorry, sorry and wants his dinosaur back but no way that toy is in timeout for the rest of the day! He is acting better but I think he knows better not to!
I thought the 2's were rough and really looking back they were easy. 3's are the new 2's people!!! Patience is key when being a parent and I have lots of it but today he was testing it like no other! I am praying for tomorrow to be better.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I did it

Okay so I caved and I set up a blog, wooohoooo!!! I hope this will be fun and a great place to vent and share my update in my life and my kids life.