Saturday, August 29, 2009

Interviews, 1st day of school, and being a mom oh my!

So this week is going to be a lot of first for us. First time I am venturing out to seek a part time job being a mom( a little scary I would have to say!). Braden is starting his first day of pre-k on Tuesday and has the open house on Monday( a little sad knowing that my once 3lb baby is now entering into school!).

I am so excited for Braden to be starting school and being around other kids and potential friends! He's got a backpack thanks to his Nana and we've already been school shopping for clothes and shoes and all that is left is for Tuesday to get here! We go on Monday with him for the open house at 10:15 and we get to meet the teacher and see his classroom but on Tuesday is his first "offical" day of school where we drop him off. He is so ready for this, he has been for quite some time now and I am just so thrilled for him, he's going to grow so much this year!!

So you are all probably wondering what I am talking about with the job. As some of you know I have been a stay at home mom since Braden was born. I worked up until the day I was admitted to the hospital for the severe preeclampsia and then I took my 3 months maternity leave and worked part time in the before and after school program at my school. I worked about 10 hours if that a week until Braden was 9 months old and have stayed home since then. Braden is now 4 and Alexa is 9 months old and it's starting to get tight with money and I think it's going to be good to get a job. Not only for the money but for me as a wife, mom and person. I've been having mixed emotions about this feeling bad that I may have to put Alexa in a daycare or a sitter but I know we would relax better if I had a job and it'll be good for her since she's such a mommy's girl and needs that experience of being away from mommy and knowing it's okay. Now I would just like to clarify that Chris had not ONCE asked me to do this, it's been all on my own. I've been getting a little worried and I would like to have a little extra money. I don't want anything full time, just part time. I have a couple places that I think I will be able to take Alexa with me to work which is a plus! That's the jobs I REALLY want!!

So, please if you will pray that I find a job that God wants me to have and one that will fit with our schedule and life.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I just need to let it out!!!!

So yesterday was Braden's 4 year check up at the Dr's. I knew what was going to happen at this appointment but yet I wasn't ready to "hear" it all. The words Autism just haunt me and now they are becoming the reality. Although it's not a severe case but it's still being said. I know that he can get help but as I've said before it still sucks to hear!

Good news though is that Braden is being seen by an behaviorist therapist tomorrow at 1230pm!! They told us when making the appt. to plan to be there for 2 1/2 hours with paperwork and the initial evaluation. Luckily my mom is coming down to be with us for this and lend her ears and most of all support! Braden also has an appt. with an OT on the 8th of Sept. It's a lot to handle but we can do it with God's help, friends and family!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

4 years already

August 22nd 2009!!!!!!
November 2007

Mommy and Braden in the NICU

Chris and Braden in the NICU

Braden in the NICU

It's been 4 years since I gave birth to my wonderful miracle baby boy. It was 4 years ago that I was laying in a hospital bed with my blood pressure reading 195/125, swelling like a giant balloon and hearing the Dr.'s say that we must deliver because the unborn baby and I could die. It was not what I expected to happen as a first time mom but it was the reality. I gave birth to my wonderful son- Braden Gregory Coolman on August 22nd 2005 at 9:20pm by emergency c-section. Braden weighed in at 3lbs 11.5 ounces and 18 1/2 inches long. It was then that our lives changed, it was then that we were affected by the horrible pregnancy disease called Preeclampsia and we all were never the same since then.

Today I am looking at my preschooler and think how I am glad he is here today with us because I know many women and families who don't get that chance because of preeclampsia. I am thankful and so Blessed for my 3lb wonder because I know women who can't conceive a baby on their own. Saying that Braden is a miracle is an understatement. The day Chris and I met we knew we would be together forever and knew that we wanted children right away, we wanted it but it wasn't going to happen for us as easily as we hoped. Braden was our Clomid baby and we thank God everyday for the medical intervention of that! It's at every birthday that we are not just celebrating his birth day but we are celebrating that he is here and he survived all that he went through at birth.
So my baby boy you are indeed my miracle and will forever be my baby and you are an inspiration to me with your strong willingness to never give up and always giving your best!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Braden started Gymnastic's!

For the last 6 months or so I've been toying with the idea of having Braden been in an athletic sport. It came down to either soccer or Baseball but I just couldn't decide. Braden is what I would call a perfectionist to put it lightly and so I was hesitant to put him in anything because of that. I was just too afraid that if he didn't do it right he would get mad and feel bad and I know that sports are not what they were when I was a kid growing up, they are way too competitive now! I started looking into tumbling because he's a boy and needs to get all the energy out(lol!). I researched some places in the area and found a great one and Braden LOVED it! Yesterday we went for the first time as a trial class to see how I like it as the mom and how he liked it as the kid. He loved being around the other kids and running around and doing cartwheels, somersaults and jumping on the trampoline. I really believe that we may have found his match:)

His teacher's were really nice and very positive, something Braden needs. This gymnastics's studio is all about having fun with gymnastics's in a non-competitive way- YAY!!

I can't say more positive things about the experience, well one. It was mainly my fault though I take him there and on the way there he falls asleep he wakes up and is ready to go. Then it's over and he was SUPER mad that we were done and had to go home. I think the meltdown had all to do with the fact that it was dinner time and he was sweaty, tired and hungry. So, note to self MUST PACK FOOD FOR CHILD!!

When we got home that night Braden showed Chris all his new "tricks" as he likes to call them. He showed him how to do the somersault, the splits and the bridge. It was so great to see and with all that's been going on with Braden with his sensory and OCD this is what he really needs. I mean we haven't told Braden " The Dr. thinks you are OCD and have sensory dysfunction disorder" but it's just good for him to be with other kids and be "normal" Heck, maybe it's more for us either way it's a good thing for him and we love seeing him so happy and excited about it. Right before I got online to blog he was pretending to be in gymnastics's class and I was his teacher, gotta love it!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Our counseling session

That felt good! Last night Chris and I had one of our pastor's over for dinner and we talked about our relationship with Chris' parents. As most of you know and as I have mentioned here and there on this blog that it's not the greatest! We talked a lot about how Chris parents are victims and pretty much have led that lead their entire lives, it's always someone else's problem or someone else did it not you.

To make a long story short Chris and I for a long time will be holding our hand at guard to them, we need to. If they are rude, we will let them know. We have to call them on things because for so many years we have not and it's just gotten worse and worse and well it's just not healthy! We eventually will talk to them but when is the question-we just don't know and that's really okay with us. Time is what we need right now. We used to feel bad that we weren't talking to them or seeing them because of the kids but if you take the kids out of the picture we really could care less when we will see them again. That's how bad the relationship is!!! It sucks but it is the reality of it all. Braden knows his grandparents and Alexa she doesn't but she's only 8 1/2 months old. Sadly Braden hardly asks about them not because we have the issues we do with them but just because he hardly sees them and I think for him at the age of almost 4 it's if you can't see it it's not there type of thing. At least that's how Chris and I see it. We will mention them time and time to Braden but we don't go into detail and our feelings about them. If Braden asks about them I tell him with my feelings aside- you have to for the kids sake they will make their own decision about their Grandparents one day without my help.

So Chris' assignment is to write a letter to his mom and dad that he won't be sending but for him as a therapeutic practice. Chris is actually looking forward to this from what I can see. I think it's going to really help him get all is anger and frustration out that he has with his parents because believe me people he's got LOTS!!!

C. the Pastor, was really helpful to us last night I think it was the fact that he's actually been through this himself with his own mom and that he can lend an outsiders perspective on it all. He was talking about how it's okay to not have a relationship with them right now and that you really have to do what' s best for yourself, your relationship with one another as husband and wife and for the kids. Right now not talking to them and digesting this all is what's best for us all Chris has better focus when he doesn't have his parents in his life, sad but true!

Right now we are too emotional to talk to them but one day we will be ready and when that time comes we will have the set rules where our relationship will go. Now, they may not like it but that's okay but it will be the way it's going to be. For us as a couple and parents to our two wonderful children we have to be this way.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Detour- that was the topic of the sermon today at Church and it was a good one. Let me first say that we haven't been to Church all summer and for those of you who have been readying my blog and those who are family you know that it's been one crazy summer for us. None the less it's no excuse but still we made it to Church this morning and it was good!

The pastor was talking about Detour that happen in our lives and that the Lord puts them there for us to learn something and to grow as Christians. Chris and I have certainly have detours in the last 3 days to be exact we've had 2!

The fist one is finding out that from everything I have told the pediatrician about Braden he believes he has OCD and Sensory dysfunction disorder. Hearing those words is hard to hear especially when it's your child. You want to have this typical normal child and then someone tells you something is wrong. I know these things can be fixed and helped but still it's hard to hear. That's a detour knowing that we might have to change the way we parent, talk, or do things with Braden. It's a detour that we weren't expecting, well most detour's you don't expect to take unless your GPS knows of them!:P) It's one we are willing to take and learn along the way. Together we can make it to our "new" destination and grow and learn about OCD and Sensory dysfunction disorder. I know if we learn how to help Braden we just won't grow as a better person and parent but Braden will become a better kid because of the detour in front of him.

The second detour we've had is Chris' parents. As some of you know, I really haven't said much on my blog about this but to other's privately. We haven't spoken to Chris parents since January and they haven't seen us since Alexa was 2 weeks old and she is now 8 1/2 months old! Luckily Braden and Alexa have their Nana and Papa in their daily lives even though they live 3 1/2 hours away( my parents). I had to call Chris' mom on Friday because the pediatrician needed some family history and Chris didn't know of any. Of course as I would suspect his mother wants to know when they can see us and so forth. So know we feel that we should open up and start talking to them, we haven't yet but it's in our mind and heart that we need to. They need to know what's been brewing in Chris heart for so long and how they treat him. Whenever it is that we come to terms with them we know that the Lord is going to direct in the direction we need to go to have a better relationship with them. It's sad that Braden and Alexa hardly know them but yet on the other hand we as their parents need to protect them. Whatever happens in the end we know the Lord will help us and that we will grow from this.

I never thought of detours like this before and I think I'll think twice when I come to one on the road and instead of getting angry that I'm going to be late to where I need to be I can look at the beautiful scenery! Heck, maybe I'll even find a new clothing store or even even a house for sale!:)

Friday, August 14, 2009

PPD,OCD, and Sensory dysfunction disorder

What do all these mean? Well they didn't mean anything to myself, my husband, my 8 month old daughter or my almost 4 year old son until today.

For the last 4 months now Chris and I have been seeing signs of different things Braden has been doing that have caught our eye. For examples, he won't go into any store that has glossy tile screams and demands to be put in the shopping cart. I don't know about any of you who have a 4year old but they are heavy and don't need to be sitting in a cart. He won't eat certain foods due to there texture. Can't me mooshy so forget about banana's, jello, pudding or yogurt! His bed sheets have to be a certain way if they are off by the crease you are in for it, have to change his sheets to a different one and oh if there is a rain drop size of urine on his underwear he has to change not just his underwear but his entire clothing for that day! There are many, many things that he does that have been sending reg flags to Chris and I and so a call to the Dr. is what we did.

I got "the phone call" today and the words PPD, OCD and Sensory dysfunction disorder were said. Braden is being referred to a Occupational Therapist(OT) and a Pediatric Psychologist. We already have an apt. on the 25Th of this month for his 4 year checkup. This is all so new and not what I thought we would be getting ourselves into as we approach his 4th birthday. Braden is such a sweet, caring, intelligent young boy and I don't want anything to get in his way of having a normal childhood. Chris and I want what is best for him and will do anything in our power to help him.

This is all so new to us right now and as you can imagine I am running on adrenaline!! I am trying not to worry but easy said than done 1. I am a mother and 2. I like the Internet, if you get my drift. It's so hard not to google all of these labels and freak out when you read the worst case scenarios!!!

I keep going back to what my sister wrote me in an email today

It's tough because you want your child to be perfect, and then someone tells you something is not right. But you are doing the right thing; checking it out and finding help. Remember, you didn't do anything. Braden is a happy, smart kid with a mom, dad, and sis that love him just the way he is.

I know that this is all new and that I shouldn't be going by EVERYTHING the Dr. told me today on the phone but I also do know what my child does and says and that it's not "normal" The best thing that could come from this is that he only has one of those things and then the worst that could come from this is he has everything. Either way I want all the tools in front of me to better help my child. I want to be prepared for anything that might come Braden's way and be there for him and support him.

For those of you who are reading this and follow my blog please pray for us and we go through this as a family.

Updates will come!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

relaxing and being a mom don't mix!!

I am finding more and more that relaxing and being a mom and wife do not mix. With that said it's taking a tole on my body, I keep getting SICK!!! Last week I got an ear infection got put on antibiotics and all was well...NOT! Sunday rolls around the 2nd to last day of the antibiotics and I develop a sore throat and I still have it although it's getting better. Last night was one of the worst nights I had. My daughter Alexa was up every 30-45 minutes screaming and as I type I can hear her now( have fun with that sweetie!). We took her to the Dr. thinking she had an ear infection since this was how her brother acted at this age and he had one. Nope just blisters on her throat just give her Tylenol and she will be better in a couple days. Yeah right doc. you come to my house at 2am and say that!!! I'm praying as I type that tonight will be a better night with less crying and more sleep. Oh and now I am developing a canker sore, yep my body is telling me to slow down and relax!!!!

Did I mention that I am weaning Alexa from breastfeeding? Yep I started that on Sunday and all is going well. I gave her some formula at her mid-morning feeding and you would have thought she had always been given a bottle. Well actually we are not giving it to her in a bottle we are using a sippy cup advice from my mom:) Less work we have to do to get her off a bottle! Thanks mom:) This Sunday I am suppose to take out the nap time feeding but I am not sure how that is going to go if she is still sick....taking it day by day.

Yeah so you could say it's been a busy/hectic week and relaxing just isn't in the vocabulary. Truly though, when is it in the vocabulary of a wife and mom of a almost 4 year old and a 7.5 month old?!! I have to say even though my life is crazy at times I would not change it for the world. I love my life as a wife and mom. Chris has taught me so much one thing in particular is patience. Braden has taught me to live each day as if it's the last and Alexa has taught me to take things one day at a time. I love them all and wouldn't change it for anything!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


So I made a video on of my pregnancy with Alexa up to her I think I want another baby! Wait....did I just say that?!

Anyways, it was a lot of making it and it just reminded me how much I went through to get her here safe and sound. As most of you know I had Braden 2 months early so I was watched very closly when I got pregnant with Alexa.

I am starting to make one of Braden so look for that soon!:)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

a 3 year old and a 6 month old...

Okay so Braden just loves his little sister, he always has I think it has to do with the fact that once we saw a heartbeat on the us we involved him in the pregnancy. Well his little sister is now 6 months old and he still loves her dearly but man oh man he will yell at her for the simpliest things. Like for instance at lunchtime and at dinner I was feeding her oatmeal and veggie/fruit well as most all 6 months old do they try and grab the bowl from you. I told her no, no and she knocked it down and Braden starts yelling at her!!! It just gets on my nerves because there is no need for him to yell at her. I keep telling him that she is a baby and she doesn't know and it's our job to teach her but we can't yell at her we need to say it nicely, blah, blah, blah. Any other suggestions out there??

They get along great but I don't know it's just been on my last nerves when he yells at her for simple things that babies do. Okay that's my vent for the evening, LOL!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Congrats to Sherry and Sabrina!!

Sherry and Sabrina are Chris' and my two friends who got married last month back east since obviously it's not legal in Arizona(blah!). Tonight we went to their reception they had at their house to celebrate their marriage with all of their friends and family. I think it's great that they have decided to share their life together as a married couple. Some people don't agree but I do! I mean I want you to show me specifically in the Bible where it says that two people of the same sex can't get married?? All I have found is two people who love eachother to get married it dosn't say which two it just says two!! Okay enough of my vent on gay marriage and why I think it's okay to do so. I am just so happy for them and wish them the most of love, happiness and laughter throughout the years!

Congrats my friends!:)

Friday, June 12, 2009


Okay so I am a almost 28 year old mom and wife and I am new to Ebay( yes you can laugh!). Anyways, I always knew about Ebay but just never used it and OMG how addicting is that website?!??!!! I bought a swimsuit on there the other day which by the way should be in the mail today:) I am watching a flip camera for my husband for Father's day that I think I will win!! I mean OMG way too addicting I can't go on there or I will have to get a job just to pay for what I bought:) I have heard how people can become addicted to the website and I can see it because when someone outbides you you think oh I can go up just one more dollar and that dollar turns into another dollor and so on!!
Good thing what I have boughten on there is less than $20!:)

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I haven't posted in awhile but things have been crazy busy! Where to begin?? hmmm...let's see Chris & I have decided to switch Church's, it's been a hard decision but what we first wanted out of the Church we got and now things have totally changed. It was a very hard decision to make but with a lot of prayer and time we have decided to look at other Church's in the area. As it is Chris has friends from another Church so we looked there and we loved it!! We knew it from the moment we walked in...praise God!! It was hard for me to stop going to the other Church just because I have a lot of friends there but like Chris has told me "my true friends will remain with me no matter what." He is right and the right decision for my family and I is our newest Church. On the first day Braden learned so much and remembered so much and kept asking to go back, that was awesome for me. I knew then that this was the place to be!

We have also decided to move...yep move!!!! For a couple months now I have been thinking and of course praying about moving somewhere that is closer to Chris' work, our Church and of course friends!! I talked to Chris and he was on board with the idea I looked and sure enough within hours of us deciding to look I found a place! We met with the Realtor and signed a lease, wooohoooo!!!! It's a 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo but honestly it feels like its' a 3 bedroom just because it has an office. We have a pool too, wooohoooo!!!! We are so very excited are move in date in June 23rd and yes we know how close that is but we can do it with trucks and very gracious friends who have said they will watch the kids if we need to and who are lending us some trailers! I also have found Braden a preschool in between all this craziness with moving. It's in the Mesa school district within walking distance to our house. He will start August 31st and go Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours in the morning...YAY! My baby boy is starting school(sob, sob, sob!)

So I thought moving with a 2 year old 2 years ago was hard I mean it was difficult but man that was nothing! Moving with a almost 4 year old and a 6 month old is TOUGH!! Here is what my day looks like moving wise. I start going through a room and putting stuff into the boxes and then my lovely 3 year old comes into the room and thinks it would be a good idea to climb into the boxes or put his sister or his toys into the boxes, yeah that's a good idea?! Then my 6 month old will decide she wants food, go figure?! SERENITY NOW!!!! I will have to say that the invention of the jumperoo has saved my life with all of this. That thing is the best, it has been pure entertainment for Alexa and she will be in there for a good 30 minutes which saves me some time to pack. Even though Braden has been having fun climbing into boxes and such he has been a good helper with the moving. It's just all so new to him and he's excited about moving so I try not to get inpatient with him. He's really a good kid:)

Tuesday I had all these plans for us to pack and clean because Chris' days off are Tuesday and Wednesday. Well Tuesday morning he gets sick and he even stays home on Thursday from work. That little stinker gave it to ME!! AHHHHHHH!!!!! So far Braden or Alexa have not gotten it, thank God! It's the sore throat head congestion thingy that's going fun! I finally felt better this morning but oh so tired! I'm still getting over a little but mostly all better. So needless to say it's been a crazy month so far! Crazy in a good way we are so excited to be moving closer to Chris' work, Church and friends....YAY!!!!

Oh and my baby girl just turned 6 months old, 6 months old!!!! It's so sad I just can't believe she's that old already!! She is fully sitting up on her own without support and she has said "ma" and "da" a couple times but not consistently. Everyone seems impressed with her sitting on her own and we are to, she's a smart one:) It's been so much fun now that she's a little older and starting to play with toys like grabbing and such that a 6 month old does to watch her and Braden together. Braden is starting to enjoy her more in the sense that he can play with her. I don't think he's going to like her too much when she starts to crawl and really grab all HIS toys, oh well!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Asking for Patience

The last couple of days wait no...WEEKS I have been asking the Lord for patience and lots of it! Braden is a 3 1/2 year old boy who is testing my patience everyday and sometimes every minute! Ever have those days with your kids?
Today for instance has been one. I needed to find a dress for a friends wedding reception that is next month I decided to go to Old navy and Target( reception is casual). Not a big request right? Well Braden is asking to go play and I tell him no he needs to wait, we go in the dressing room he starts climbing on things and then we leave and head to Target same thing and I take away his toy dinosaur and he screams at that. Good news I found a dress and I love it!! Braden crys throughout the store and all the way home. We get home and I send him to his room...I needed a break darn it and he was being a little stinker!! Needless to say he is sorry, sorry, sorry and wants his dinosaur back but no way that toy is in timeout for the rest of the day! He is acting better but I think he knows better not to!
I thought the 2's were rough and really looking back they were easy. 3's are the new 2's people!!! Patience is key when being a parent and I have lots of it but today he was testing it like no other! I am praying for tomorrow to be better.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I did it

Okay so I caved and I set up a blog, wooohoooo!!! I hope this will be fun and a great place to vent and share my update in my life and my kids life.